Monday, July 2, 2007

Jim Holden: World Class Selling

World Class Selling builds on the "Power Base selling" bestseller introducing the concept of Value Chain Management and the need for integrated sales, marketing, human resources and technology functions as required by the currrent day market place. The book is written according to the new technique of personal dimensioning which helps to convey the messages more powerfully.

A key concept throughout the book is the Four-Stage Customer model which describes 4 stages in the value chain model:

- Commodity Value Level

- Solutions Value Level

- Business Value level

- Strategic Value level

The aim for every company should be the move their sales approach up the value chain helping customers deliver more value to their customers. The strategic level involves building partnerships which takes sales well beyond the transaction level, getting involved in helping building the value strategy of the customer. In order to be able to do this the supplier needs to transform its organisation towards a truly value centered structure where marketing and sales cooperate at the value level, technology ensures a cost-effective automation of the value driven sales processes and human resources guarantees the right sales currency and competencies are available.

Throughout the whole book the political dimensions of the value-centric transformation are at the forefront, with special attention to the role of foxes and the power base.

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