Monday, July 2, 2007

Jim Holden: The Selling Fox

The third book in Holden's Power Base series zooms in on the tactical aspects of fox-like selling. It is a field guide for the top-performing sales professional providing techniques and methods needed to become a selling fox. This book is very different from the 2 previous ones - Power Base Selling and World Class Selling - which take a high-level, strategic view of modern selling. The Selling Fox comes down to the field, showing how selling foxes react in real live situations. It is an important complement to the Power Base theory as any selling activity inevitably involves hands-on face-to-face contact with the prospective customer. 

Main topics:

- Closing, trial close, blocking and trapping
- Indirect sales strategy
- Loss recovery plans and techniques
- De-installing a competitor
- Qualifying opportunities

The ultimate aim of the book is to teach how to become a Selling Fox using assessment tools and personal development plans.

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